Mistakes that College Students Can Make with Their Nutrition

You spend a lot of time studying or looking for someone who can write an essay, practice little sports, and have a disordered diet. The result? You see your body weighed down and slightly toned, or you got weight. It’s time to look in the mirror and confess how much you neglected your diet.

How many times have you skipped lunch or are you satisfied with a piece of pizza chewed on the fly, to write my essay or do homework on time? Do you never find time in the morning for a rich and hearty breakfast because you have to run to your classes? Do your afternoon ring with crunchy, greasy, salty potato chips or sweet snacks galore?
As important as it is to rest an adequate number of hours, is that the body has the necessary nutrients so that it can go on healthily every day. Perhaps, you should turn to EssayAssistant to take more care of your health. Sometimes, at a young age and during college life some mistakes are made that can make the diet far from healthy.

Mistakes that College Students Can Make with Their Nutrition

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Here are some of the most common mistakes college students can make when it comes to eating:

Waking Up Not Hungry and Avoiding Breakfast

It is true that this is something that happens to many people: waking up and not being hungry. Therefore, what they usually do is avoid breakfast. This is not really beneficial and it is not going to help you “lose calories” either. Or, you overslept from your class and therefore do not have time to eat properly.

You have to think that in the end, since you have not eaten anything all night, if you skip breakfast, you will arrive at the next meal too hungry and you will probably eat unhealthy foods and overeat.

Some tips may include: try to eat dinner earlier in the evening, or leave breakfast options ready before going to bed. Also, don’t snack at night when you do your assignment and write my research paper.

Related: Dash Diet Breakfast Recipes

Consuming Too Much Sugar

A college student may think that he or she does not eat too much sugar, but the reality is that sugars are present in many foods: junk food, energy drinks, and juices, pastries, loaves of bread, jams and sauces, convenience foods, etc…

It is important to take into consideration the added sugars that are consumed, i.e. those that are not present in the food itself (such as fresh fruit, especially in apple slices) and that do not make up more than 10% of the daily intake.

Skipping Meals to Consume Fewer Calories

As we pointed out before, skipping a meal for a college student is not a good idea either. In fact, what it actually does is make you so hungry that you’ll go hungry for the next meal and end up taking in extra calories. It is important to remind college kids to eat a balanced and varied diet with vegetables, fruits, dairy products, cereals, and legumes.

Eating in Front of a Screen

Although you may think it is silly, it is really important not to eat while looking at a screen. And this is becoming increasingly common among young people.

As the attention is focused on what you are watching, you don’t taste the food at all and, therefore, you don’t get the same feeling of satiety. This happens with TV, as well as with any device such as a cell phone or tablet.

Eating late

Sometimes schedules are what they are and you cannot change anything, but plan ahead and if you have a class at two o’clock, eat before. This way you will avoid so many hours passing from breakfast or the mid-morning snack. 

If you don’t have time, you can make an avocado toast or a salad with some protein (chicken, ham cubes, cheese cubes, nuts, legumes, pasta, rice…) and a piece of fruit. Remember to always take something vegetable.

Sugary Drinks

Sugary Drinks
Image by Colin Behrens from Pixabay

If you need to stay alert, it is better to drink tea or coffee than a carbonated sugary drink, such as soda. It has no health benefits at all. The best drink without a doubt is water. Get into the habit of carrying a small bottle of water in your backpack that you can refill and leave fizzy drinks and sugar for specific moments. Remember that they are 100 calories that do not contribute anything to each bottle.

Related: Holiday Coffee Drinks

Abundant and Late Dinners

Try to have dinner early so that you do not go to bed in full digestion and that they are light. If you have a mid-afternoon snack (a coffee with milk, juice, or some nuts…) you will be less hungry. 

Scrambled eggs or a fish, along with some vegetables and a dairy derivative, such as yogurt, will provide you with the nutrients you need for everything you have learned to settle and rest like a child. Avoid fried foods that are heavier, eating empty food like ramen noodles, or snacking in front of the TV that will make you eat without paying attention and ingest more without realizing it.

If you are a busy college student and you are going to stay up late to study, you can have a light “snack”, for example, a glass of milk and some wholemeal cookies. Avoid snacking on snacks or sweets. They only provide calories and will make you thirsty.

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Shopping For a Month or One Day

One college student tends to shop once a month, many others go to the supermarket every day. The first ones usually buy products that can be preserved (packaged, frozen products such as pizza, chicken nuggets, croquettes, and anything that can be prepared in the blink of a microwave). 

The latter goes to the supermarket every day before going home, which means that they “buy with their eyes”, or out of gluttony. We are back to the same thing: “I don’t feel like cooking today”, and another pizza comes along. The typical mistake in the diet of college kids.

Ideal grocery shopping for college student

No matter what you’ve heard about college, you don’t have to live on microwavable packaged noodles and mac and cheese to survive financially. Some of the healthiest foods you can find at the grocery store are fairly inexpensive, including seasonal fruits and vegetables. 

Sticking to a budget, using coupons, and buying generic brands will allow you to eat healthy, inexpensive, and tasty food during those financially difficult college years. Here are some wellness tips for you:

Perishable Essentials

Keep low-fat milk, eggs, sliced low-fat cheese, and other perishables in a small refrigerator, which you should have if your dorm doesn’t provide any. All are relatively inexpensive snacks that you are likely to use frequently. 

Buy pre-packaged lean cold cuts to make sandwiches. If you have a freezer, buy bags of generic brand frozen vegetables, such as broccoli, green beans, carrots, and mixed greens. These can all be easily cooked in a microwave oven with a little water.

Dried Products

Generic brands of brown rice, instant oatmeal, and whole-grain bread are healthy options that won’t break your budget. Oatmeal is a quick and healthy way to start the day, although you can use whole grain bread to make sandwiches for lunch. Select precooked rice that you can quickly heat in the microwave if you don’t have access to a stove. Other dry goods that are inexpensive and good for you are whole grain pasta, canned beans, trail mix, and nuts.

Fresh Vegetables and Fruits

Fresh vegetables and fruits
Photo by mk. s on Unsplash

Fresh fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet, which some college students avoid due to per-unit costs. However, seasonal fruits and vegetables are generally inexpensive. 

Check your grocery store’s weekly flyer for when certain fruits and vegetables are on sale. Oranges and grapefruit can last a while in the refrigerator because of their tough skin, but you should buy other fruits such as apples and berries a little at a time so they don’t spoil. 

Lettuce, greens, or salad bags are also inexpensive and healthy options. Sweet potatoes are healthy and very satiating.

Meats and Meat Substitutes

Meats and meat substitutes
Image by Willfried Wende from Pixabay

Buy pre-cooked frozen meats that you just need to thaw and reheat. These include frozen hamburgers, chicken patties, hot dogs, turkey bacon, and meatballs. Choose lean versions of these frozen meats to stay healthy. 

If you are not a meat-eater, you can buy frozen veggies like frozen broccoli and mushroom burgers instead. You should have a mini-grill in your dorm room to grill these meats with ease, as most are not equipped with an individual stove. Otherwise, you can look for a stove that you can use in the common areas.

Pantry Essentials

Stock the shelves in your dorm room with non-perishable foods, condiments, and seasonings, which you are likely to use every day you cook. These include olive oil and a variety of basic spices such as salt, pepper, and garlic. Condiments such as ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise are perishable but should be refrigerated after opening. Other healthy non-perishable foods to always have on hand are instant oatmeal, canned tuna, and peanut butter. 


Everything at university can seem a little more complicated at first, including resisting comfort food after a long day of studying. Make sure your health is your top priority. Exercise and drink plenty of water.

Fill your meals with fruits and vegetables and try to share your healthy eating habits with classmates and friends.

An annual visit to the doctor is also helpful, especially if you are under a lot of stress. Remember that by doing your best in college, you are preparing for your future as well as leading a healthy lifestyle.

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