Authentic Empanadas Gallegas Recipe: A Taste of Galicia’s Culinary Heritage

Welcome to our culinary journey to Galicia, Spain, one of the most enchanting regions in the world! In this blog, we will be delving into the traditional cuisine of Galicia, a region with a rich culinary history that is renowned for its Empanadas. These succulent hand pies are characterized by their flaky crust and succulent fillings, which combine a delicate combination of tender meat, colorful vegetables, and fragrant herbs. From the dough preparation to the assembling of the fillings, we will delve into the secret of making authentic Galician Empanadas. Prepare to delight your tastebuds with the authentic flavors of Galicia.

The History and Significance of Empanadas Gallegas

Empanadas are one of the most popular dishes in Galicia, but to really understand why they’re so delicious, you need to know a bit about their history and culture. For centuries, Empanadas were a staple of Galician cuisine, thanks to the region’s maritime roots and its abundance of agriculture. They were originally made as a snack for sailors and farmers to take with them on the go, and over time, they’ve become one of the most beloved dishes in Galician cuisine.
Empanadas Gallegas started out as a portable and yummy meal for sailors and farmers. Not only were they convenient and nourishing, but they also served as a way to store and transport ingredients. Traditionally, the fillings were beef or pork, onion, bell pepper, and paprika. Nowadays, you can find vegetarian options with mushrooms or spinach, or seafood options with codfish. These hand pies have become a part of Galician culture and tradition, and are a great way to show your family and friends how proud you are of your cuisine. Today, they’re known all over the world for their delicious flavors and textures, and serve as ambassadors for Galician cuisine.
Empanadas Gallegas has a long history and a special place in Galicia’s food and culture. Whether you’re having them as a snack or as part of a big meal, these delicious hand pies will always grab your attention and remind you of Galicia’s history and culture.

Ingredients and Equipment

Before commencing the cooking process, it is necessary to assemble all the necessary ingredients and equipment necessary for the preparation of authentic empanadas gallegas. The success of this dish is based on the quality of the ingredients used. Therefore, it is essential to select fresh, locally-sourced produce whenever possible. From the dough to the fillings, we will provide you with a step-by-step overview of the ingredients that contribute to the excellence of these empanadas.
If you’re making empanadas, you’ll want to make sure you have all the right ingredients. Start with the dough, which you’ll need in a mixing bowl, and then flatten it with a rolling pin or circular cutter. For the filling, use fresh, locally sourced ingredients like onion, bell pepper, garlic, and paprika. To get a flaky, buttery texture, you need to use cold, cubed butter. A pinch of salt is also a great way to add flavor. For the fillings, you can choose from a variety of meats, veggies, and cheeses, like beef, pork, mushrooms, and shrimp. You’ll also need a frying pan or a cast iron pan to cook the filling ingredients. For a golden finish, use a pastry brush to brush your empanada with egg wash and oil.
Make sure you have all the right stuff on hand so you can get started on your empanadas gallegas adventure and have a great time!

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Crafting the Perfect Empanada Dough

The dough is the foundation of any empanadas gallegas recipe. We will guide you through the process of preparing the dough to achieve a flaky, golden crust that complements the rich filling. We will discuss the essential components of the dough, such as flour and butter, as well as salt and water, to achieve the desired dough consistency. Additionally, we will provide helpful tips on how to roll out the dough to achieve the desired thickness.

Gather the following ingredients: All-purpose Flour, Cold Butter, Salt, and Water. All-purpose flour is recommended for a well-rounded and easy-to-work-with dough. Cold butter should be cut into small pieces or grated in order to distribute evenly throughout the dough, and a pinch of salt is added to enhance the flavor. Mix the flour with the cold butter in a mixing bowl. With the help of your fingertips or pastry cutter, blend the flour mixture into the cold butter until it forms coarse crumbs, creating pockets of fat. As the dough begins to come together, add cold water gradually, stirring with your fork or hands until it is moist enough to retain its shape without becoming sticky. If needed, add additional water, one teaspoon at a time.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov

Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and knead it for a few minutes to form a smooth, elastic ball. Wrap it up in a plastic wrap and let it sit in the fridge for at least half an hour. This gives the gluten time to break down and the flavors come together. Once it’s done resting, break it up into smaller pieces so you don’t have to deal with it all at once. Roll out each portion of the dough with a rolling pin until it’s a thin round. Aim for around 1/8 inch or as thick as you like. Once you’re done rolling out the dough, you’re ready to put it together and fill it with whatever fillings you want. It’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it in the end!

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Creating the Flavorful Fillings

Empanada Gallegas are renowned for their enthusiastic fillings, which are at the core of the dish. Whether you are looking for traditional or contemporary flavors, such as classic meat, vegetable, and herb combinations, we will walk you through the process of creating a tender meat filling, using ingredients such as tender beef, pork, onion, bell pepper, and paprika. Additionally, if you are looking for vegetarian or seafood alternatives, we will explore delightful options such as mushrooms, spinach, and codfish.

The process of making Empanada Gallegas fillings is where the real magic happens. These succulent hand pies are renowned for their succulent fillings, which feature tender meat, colorful vegetables, and fragrant herbs. Let’s take a closer look at how to make these delectable fillings that will tantalize your taste buds.

Begin by choosing high-quality ingredients for the classic meat filling. Choose tender cuts of either beef or pork and make sure they are well-cut into small bite-size pieces. Heat a drizzle of oil over medium heat in a large sauté pan. Sauté onions until translucent and fragrant, then add minced garlic, and diced bell peppers, and cook them until softened. Add the diced meat to the pan and stir occasionally until browned and cooked through. Pour the mixture into a large bowl and season with a pinch of salt and black pepper, as well as a pinch of paprika for a Galician flavor. Additionally, add herbs and spices such as cumin and oregano, as well as bay leaves to further enhance the flavor.

Vegetarian or seafood options are equally appealing. For a vegetarian filling, sauté mushrooms and spinach in a sautéed onion and garlic. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and your favorite herbs to enhance the flavors. For a seafood option, use fresh cod or shrimp cooked in the same cooking method as the meat. To add a unique twist, squeeze a pinch of lemon juice or a pinch of paprika.

After cooking the filling to perfection, let it cool for a few minutes before assembling. This step allows the fillings to be easier to manipulate and does not compromise the dough’s integrity.

To assemble, spoon a teaspoonful of filling onto each round of dough. Form the dough into a semi-moon shape by pressing the edges with a fork, or crimping the edges with your fingers.

Empanadas are a classic Galician dish that’s packed with flavor and texture. The meat, veggies, and herbs all come together to create a mouth-watering meal. But don’t just settle for ordinary fillings – get creative and try something new! Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to make these fillings to your liking or give them their own unique twist. That way, you’ll have a whole new gastronomic experience every time you eat one!

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Assembling and Baking Empanadas Gallegas

Now it’s time to bring everything together for the final step: assembling and baking the empanadas gallegas. Here’s how to shape dough circles, add fillings, seal the edges, and make perfect hand pies. We’ll give you expert tips on how to achieve a beautiful golden-brown crust, and how to cook fillings to perfection. And finally, we’ll walk you through the entire baking process and tell you what the ideal temperature and timing are to get the best results.

The final step in creating these succulent hand pies is the assembly and baking stage. The assembly stage allows you to demonstrate your culinary skills while the baking stage turns them into golden treats. Let’s take a look at the steps for assembling and baking these delectable treats.

Preheat your oven to the preheated temperature, which is usually around 375°F/190°C. This will ensure that your empanadas bake evenly and will develop a beautiful golden hue.

Roll out your dough circles and place one spoonful of the filling in the middle of each one. Do not overfill the filling, as this may result in the empanadas bursting open during baking. Secure the edges with a small border.

The dough should be folded over the filling to form a semi-moon shape. The edges should be pressed firmly together with the fingers to seal the dough, or the edges should be crimped with a fork. This not only ensures the empanadas remain intact during baking but also provides a decorative touch. To further enhance the appearance and flavor, the empanadas should be brushed with an egg wash (egg sauce) or olive oil prior to baking. This will give them a lovely sheen and help them achieve the desired golden crust. Additionally, additional herbs or spices may be sprinkled on top for flavor enhancement and visual appeal.

Transfer the assembled empanada to a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Allow some space between the two sheets to allow for proper airflow and baking. Bake the empanadas for approximately 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown.

During the baking process, keep an eye on your empanadas to ensure that they are cooked through. Adjust the baking time or temperature to ensure that the crust is firm and flaky, while also ensuring that the fillings are cooked through. After the filling has been cooked through, take them out of the oven and allow them to cool for several minutes. This will allow the flavors to combine and prevent any burns from the hot filling.

The assembling and baking of empanadas gallegas is an enjoyable experience that culminates in a delicious culinary masterpiece. The golden crust encases the filling, creating a mouthwatering treat that will surely impress your guests. These hand pies are sure to be a hit with all who try them.

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Serving and Enjoying Empanadas Gallegas

After all the hard work and anticipation, it’s finally time to enjoy the results of your hard work. Check out the different ways to serve empanadas gallegas, from having them as an easy and tasty starter to making them the star of a Spanish-inspired dinner. Serve them with classic Galician wines or pair them with a delicious salad. Plus, we’ll give you some tips on how to store and reheat empanadas so you don’t have to compromise on flavor or texture.

Empanadas Gallegas is a delicious treat that’s sure to turn heads. Whether you’re throwing a party, having a Spanish-themed dinner, or just looking for a tasty snack, these savory hand pies are sure to be a hit. Start with the empanadas as an appetizer, then dip them in a variety of dipping sauces like chimichurri or salsa verde. The crispy crust and filling, plus the tangy and flavorful sauces, will get your taste buds going and set the tone for a delicious meal. If you’re looking for a full-on Galician experience, serve them with classic side dishes like Patatas Bravas (spicy potatoes), Ensalada Mixta (mixed salad), and a glass of albariño wine – you’ll be sure to get the full Galician flavor.

Empanadas Gallegas is also a great lunch or dinner dish. Serve them with a side salad for a balanced and satisfying meal. These hand pies are great for picnics and packed lunches, so you can enjoy Galician flavors while you’re out and about.

If you have leftovers, you can store them in the fridge and reheat them for next time. Just pop them in the oven for a couple of minutes to get them nice and crispy, and you’re good to go!

Whatever way you decide to serve and enjoy empanadas gallegas, you can be sure that they are a delicious and versatile culinary treat that will leave you wanting more! So gather your friends and family, feel the heat of Galician cuisine, and savor these mouth-watering treats!

Empanadas Gallegas Recipe

Authentic Empanadas Gallegas Recipe

Abhijit Dey
Dive into Galicia's rich gastronomic heritage with our authentic Empanadas Gallegas recipe. Here we unveils the secrets behind creating these savory hand pies, featuring a flaky crust and a mouthwatering filling of tender meat, fresh vegetables, and aromatic herbs. Explore the traditional techniques and ingredients that make Empanadas Gallegas a true delight for food lovers worldwide.
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Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 25 minutes
Course Appetizer, Snack, Snacks
Cuisine Galician, Spanish
Servings 4 people
Calories 300 kcal


For the dough

  • 3 cup All purpose flour
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • ½ cup Unsalted Butter cold and cubed
  • ½ cup Water

For the filling

  • 1 pound Pork or beef (diced into small pieces)
  • 1 pcs Onion finely chopped
  • 1 pcs Bell Pepper diced
  • 2 cloved Garlic minced
  • 1 tsp Paprika
  • Salt as per taste
  • Pepper powder as per taste
  • Olive Oil for cooking


  • Combine the flour and salt in a mixing bowl. Add the cold, cut butter and mix it in with the flour, using your fingers or a pastry cutter until it looks like coarse crumbs.
  • Add the water slowly, mixing it in with your fork or hand until it starts to mix. Don't mix too much; you want the dough to be just wet enough to form the shape without being too sticky. If you need more water, add it one spoonful at a time.
  • Put the dough on a lightly floured surface and let it knead for a few minutes until it's nice and firm. Roll it up into a ball and put it in a plastic wrap bag. Let it chill in the fridge for at least half an hour.
  • In the meantime, make the filling. Heat up a bit of olive oil in a pan or fryer over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and saute it until it's nice and golden. Add some minced garlic and some diced bell pepper and cook them until they're nice and soft.
  • The minced beef or pork is then added to the pan and cooked until browned and cooked through. Paprika, salt, and pepper are added and the seasoning is adjusted to the desired level. Cook for an additional few minutes until the flavors blend together. Remove from the heat and allow the filling to cool slightly.
  • Heat the oven up to 375°F/190°C. Take the rest of the dough out of the fridge and break it up into smaller pieces so you don't have to deal with it all at once. Roll each piece out on a lightly floured surface with a rolling pin until you have a thin, round shape.
  • Each dough circle is filled with a spoonful of filling, leaving a bit of a border around it. Then, fold the dough over each other to make a semi-moon shape. Press the edges together to seal it in. You can crimp the edges with a fork for a nice, decorative look.
  • Put the rolled-up empanadas on a baking sheet that's been lined with parchment. Give them a quick egg wash to give them a nice golden glow.
  • Cook in the preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes or until empanadas are golden brown.
  • Take them out of the oven and allow them to cool for a couple of minutes before adding them to your plate. Serve empanadas gallegas hot or dip them in your favorite sauce.


Feel free to add your own spices, herbs, or veggies to the filling if that’s what you like. You can also make a vegetarian or seafood version by swapping out the meat for mushrooms or spinach or any other seafood you want.


Calories: 300kcalCarbohydrates: 27gProtein: 15gFat: 15gSaturated Fat: 7gCholesterol: 45mgSodium: 400mgFiber: 2gSugar: 1g
Keyword Empanadas Gallegas, Galician Empanadas, savory hand pies, Spanish hand pies
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Congratulations! You have successfully mastered the art of making authentic empanadas gallegas, immerseing yourself in the culinary culture and customs of Galicia. In this blog post, we have revealed the secret to making the ideal dough, preparing succulent fillings and assembling these delectable hand pies.

Whether you are hosting a dinner party, looking for a memorable family meal or simply relishing in your love of Spanish cuisine, empanadas gellegas will never fail. So gather your family and friends, enjoy the warm flavors of Galicia’s cuisine, and enjoy the deliciousness of these mouth-watering treats. Buen provecho!


1. What are Empanadas Gallegas?

Empanadas Gallegas are a type of hand pie made in Galicia, Spain. They’re filled with meat, veggies, or seafood and baked in a flaky dough.

2. How do I make the Empanadas Gallegas dough flaky?

All you need to do is use cold, cut butter, and don’t work with the dough as much as you can. The butter works its way through the layers of the dough, giving it a flaky finish when baked.

3. Can I make the dough in advance?

Yes, the dough can be prepared ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 24 hours. However, it is important to ensure that the dough is tightly wrapped in plastic wrap to avoid drying out.

4. Can I freeze the Empanadas Gallegas?

You can freeze the empanadas gallegas that have been put together but not baked. Put them on a sheet of parchment paper and let them freeze until they’re nice and firm. Put them in a freezer bag or container and let them freeze for up to three months. When it’s time to bake, just pop them straight in the oven and don’t let them thaw.

5. Can I make vegetarian or seafood Empanadas Gallegas?

Yes, you can make empanadas gallegas with fillings that are vegetarian, like mushrooms or spinach, or you can even add cheese. If you’re looking for a seafood option, you can go with fresh shrimp or fish.

6. What dipping sauces pair well with Empanadas Gallegas?

Empanadas Galregas are served with a variety of dipping sauces, such as Chimichurri (chili), salsa verde (salsa), aioli (aioli), or tomato salsa (salsa). These sauces add an extra layer of flavor to the dish, making it an ideal accompaniment.

7. Can I make mini Empanadas Gallegas?

It is possible to make empanadas that are smaller in size by using a round cutter with a smaller diameter and varying the amount of fillings accordingly. Mini empanadas gallegas are ideal for appetizers and party favors.

8. How do I prevent the empanadas from leaking during baking?

Make sure you seal the edges of the empanadas so they don’t leak out. Use your fingers or a fork to press the edges together. Don’t fill up the empanadas too much, or else they’ll burst open while they’re baking.

9. Can I reheat leftover Empanadas Gallegas?

It is possible to reheat any leftovers from an Empanada Gallegas recipe in a low-temperature oven or toaster oven to preserve its crunchy texture. Additionally, it is possible to microwave the remaining empanadas for a short period of time, however, the crust may be slightly softer.

10. Are Empanadas Gallegas gluten-free?

All-purpose flour is used in the traditional recipe for empanadas gallegas. All-purpose flour is a type of flour that contains gluten. You can make gluten-free empanadas by substituting gluten-free flour for all-purpose flour. You can try a variety of gluten-free flour mixtures to find one that gives you a similar texture and flavor.

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